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Griffin Brothers

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Griffin Brothers Book 1

Author: Kathi S. Barton

Paperback ISBN: 9781955086936

eBook ISBN: 9781955086943

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date 9/21/2021

Edwin Griffin was looking forward to his retirement from the Army. But it seemed his superiors were having trouble letting go. As a wolf shifter and an immortal, Edwin’s senses were keen. He had no intention of “keeping in touch” or to continue working for them, for that matter. Something about them felt off, and Edwin had no intention of being a pawn in whatever scheme they were plotting.

Storm was very protective of her sister, Rain. Their parents had somehow found them, and Rain was vulnerable to their influence. The sisters both possessed magical talents that were growing stronger daily. When Charlie Griffin offered to help, Storm jumped at the chance to protect her sister.

Edwin was a bit surprised to find the feisty woman Storm to be his mate. She had a hard time with trust, but Edwin was determined to work on that, but he had his own issues to resolve.

Although retired from the military as well, Storm would still take on an occasional assignment. But when the assignment from her superiors was to do something about her mate. Well, things just got a bit more personal….

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Griffin Brothers Book 2

Author: Kathi S. Barton

Paperback ISBN: 9781958336137

eBook ISBN: 9781958336144

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date 5/23/2022

Tony couldn’t believe what he was seeing on the security monitor. A woman and her kid were living in the alleyway next to his office, and they were in trouble. A man snuck up on her and snatched the kid. He had to do something….

Jana Cantrell wasn’t taking the news too well. She would have been dead and her son in the clutches of that maniac if it hadn’t been for her being Tony’s mate, and she was now immortal. She didn’t trust men. She had just escaped from the imprisonment of the maniac who had nearly killed her. No way in hell would she be enslaved by another….

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Griffin Brothers Book 3

Author: Kathi S. Barton

Hardback ISBN: 9798373264938

Paperback ISBN: 9781960076182

eBook ISBN: 9781960076199

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date 01/11/2023

Garfield watched the unconscious pretty woman thrashing on the bed. He had already determined that the woman, Sable, wasn’t his mate, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. When he grabbed her hand to keep her from hurting herself, his entire body seemed to be touched by an electrical wire. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t let go.

Just before Garfield passed out, he realized that not only was Sable his mate, but she was transferring an enormous amount of power to him….

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Griffin Brothers Book 4

Author: Kathi S. Barton

Paperback ISBN:9798891260283

eBook ISBN: 9798891260290

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date 08/08/2023

Paige Dresher didn’t trust men. She had three little girls to raise, and life had been hard. The deadbeat who had fathered the girls denied his involvement, leaving Paige and the girls to make it on their own. It didn’t help that the only place Paige could afford was a dump, and her girls deserved better than that. They all did. When the landlord shot Paige and one of her daughters, she thought it was the end.

Jeffery Griffin knew about the new arrivals. He just wanted to come over and welcome them to the family when he found a strange man who smelled like the little girls roaming in the woods, spying on the little family. Jeffery shifted to his wolf and went to warn the little girls’ mother.

When his wolf knocked Paige to the ground, he was surprised and happy to discover she was his mate. Paige, on the other hand, wasn’t the least bit happy at his revelation. She wasn’t happy at all….

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Griffin Brothers Book 5

Author: Kathi S. Barton

Paperback ISBN:

eBook ISBN:

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date 4/29/2024

Coming Soon

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Griffin Brothers Book 6

Author: Kathi S. Barton

Paperback ISBN:

eBook ISBN:

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date to be determined

Coming Soon

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