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Author Stephen Wade Nebgen

About the Author


STEPHEN WADE NEBGEN has over forty (40) years in the entertainment industry. He has credits in theatre, film and literature. He is also an attorney with a specialty in entertainment law. He counsels clients regarding business formation, intellectual property matters in copyright and trademarks, contract negotiations and other corporate matters. Mr. Nebgen currently is working on a follow-up book to “Theodore’s Plate” and has also written a book on Entertainment Law that is used at a number of universities and colleges.

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Theodore's Plate


Author: Stephen Wade Nebgen

Illustrator: Jonathan Fitzgibbons

Hardback ISBN: 9781950890729

Print ISBN:  9781950890736

eBook ISBN:  9781950890743

Genre: Children's Fiction/Holiday

Release Date 10/14/2019


A poor family lives in a house in the forest. On Christmas Eve, a stranger knocks on the door. The father of the family goes to answer the door. He opens it to find a man who is battered by the snow and the cold. He brings the man into the house and sits him by the fire.


What the father and the family do not know is that this is a special guest. And that a simple act of generosity will make this the most special Christmas of all!


“Theodore’s Plate” provides a new tradition for the family with a heart-warming story that can be revisited each Christmas season.

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